B. Scott Smith is the former CEO of Sonic Automotive, a major car dealership group. He was appointed to the CEO position in July 2015 after serving in various roles since the company's founding in 1997. His educational background includes...
B. Scott Smith is the former CEO of Sonic Automotive, a major car dealership group. He was appointed to the CEO position in July 2015 after serving in various roles since the company's founding in 1997. His educational background includes a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, which laid the groundwork for his career in the automotive industry. Scott has deep family ties within the company; he is the son of Sonic's founder, O. Bruton Smith, and his brother, David, is currently Vice Chairman. During his leadership, Scott maintained a focus on performance that was directly linked to his compensation, promoting a culture that values revenue growth and profitability. In 2016, his total compensation peaked at approximately $4.2 million, showcasing the impact of performance-based metrics on his pay. Additionally, Scott's expertise in strategic operations helped guide Sonic through significant changes in the automotive sector. He stepped down as CEO in September 2018 but continues to serve as a key figure in the company's direction and strategy.