Brian S. Hertzman is the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of American Financial Group, Inc. He joined AFG in 1991 and has over 30 years of experience in finance and accounting roles within the company. Before becoming CFO...

Current Market Cap


Number of Employees


Total Compensation

2020 - 2023

Trending down by -12.75% last year
Showing total compensation for the last 2020 - 2023


Up by 0.00% last year


Up by 8.65% last year


Down by -39.29% last year


Up by 1.94% last year



Total Compensation




Board Justification

The compensation philosophy focuses on attracting, retaining, and rewarding executives with competitive packages that align with company performance and shareholder value.



Board Justification

Annual performance-based cash awards based on Company performance metrics, with a payout of approximately 70.8% of target due to performance results.



Board Justification

Includes perquisites such as insurance, aircraft usage, and contributions to retirement plans.

Restricted Stock

$0.00(0 RSU)

Board Justification

No stock awards vested in 2023; only stock grants that are not vested are excluded from this calculation.

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics include Operating EPS and Specialty P&C Earnings, which determine the annual bonus payouts.

SEC Filing

From April 4, 2024