As the CEO of Martin Marietta, C. Jeffrey McGowan has seen fluctuations in his stock holdings. At various points, he has held a significant portion of his wealth in company shares. Notably, his focus has shifted towards performance-based compensation rather...
As the CEO of Martin Marietta, C. Jeffrey McGowan has seen fluctuations in his stock holdings. At various points, he has held a significant portion of his wealth in company shares. Notably, his focus has shifted towards performance-based compensation rather than stock grants. In 2016, he received a total compensation of approximately $2.67 million, combining salary, bonuses, and other benefits, but his vested stock was notably absent, indicating a strategic approach to align his interests closely with the company's performance rather than immediate stock holding appreciation. This reflects a conscious choice to remain engaged with the long-term objectives of the business rather than short-term gains through stock ownership. This strategic standpoint may indicate an understanding that real value creation for shareholders comes from consistent operational successes.