Charles B. Johnson served as the CEO of Franklin Resources, Inc. (known as Franklin Templeton) from 1999 until 2013. He played a key role in shaping the company into a major player in the asset management industry. Charles held significant...
Charles B. Johnson served as the CEO of Franklin Resources, Inc. (known as Franklin Templeton) from 1999 until 2013. He played a key role in shaping the company into a major player in the asset management industry. Charles held significant ownership of the company, owning about 18.9% of the stock, which shows his deep investment in the company's success. He was also instrumental in aligning executive pay with company performance, emphasizing a bonus structure tied to measurable achievements. This approach not only motivated the team but created a culture focused on results and shareholder interests. Interesting to note, in just one year, Charles’ total pay peaked at over $12 million, largely driven by performance bonuses. He comes from a family deeply rooted in Franklin Templeton; his family members also serve in various leadership roles within the company. This kind of leadership stability has helped maintain a consistent vision over the years, which is a significant asset for any long-term growth strategy.