David H. Hannah is a seasoned leader in the steel and aluminum industry, having played a crucial role at Reliance Steel & Aluminum Company for over three decades. He served as the CEO from 1999 until 2015, steering the company...
David H. Hannah is a seasoned leader in the steel and aluminum industry, having played a crucial role at Reliance Steel & Aluminum Company for over three decades. He served as the CEO from 1999 until 2015, steering the company through numerous acquisitions and establishing it as a giant in the sector. Under his leadership, Reliance made over 67 acquisitions since its public offering in 1994, showcasing his strategic vision in the competitive landscape. After stepping down as CEO, he took on the role of Chairman of the Board. During his tenure as CEO, David received significant compensation, including a total of $6.47 million in 2015, a year when he earned a salary of $1.08 million and performance bonuses tied to the company's profitability. Outside of his executive duties, he has been recognized as a respected figure within the metals service center industry, highlighting his influence in shaping market practices. His financial expertise has also been instrumental in raising capital for the company, which continues to thrive post his direct leadership.