Eric B. Compton is known for his significant role as the Chief Operating Officer and later, the CEO of Hologic, Inc., a prominent player in the healthcare sector focusing on women's health. Born on June 26, 1968, Compton holds an...
Eric B. Compton is known for his significant role as the Chief Operating Officer and later, the CEO of Hologic, Inc., a prominent player in the healthcare sector focusing on women's health. Born on June 26, 1968, Compton holds an MBA from Kennesaw State University, which laid the foundation for his extensive career in management. His tenure at Hologic began in April 2014, and during his time, he emphasized performance-driven compensation to align executive payouts with the company's success. Interestingly, while leading Hologic, Eric's total compensation reached several million dollars, peaking at about $2.9 million in 2015. He previously worked for Johnson & Johnson, where he oversaw global sales exceeding $2 billion and managed a workforce of over 2,800. Beyond the numbers, Compton's strategic direction during his time at Hologic left a lasting impact. After stepping down in late 2017, he continued to consult for the company until the end of 2018, ensuring a smooth transition. His story highlights how leadership aligns with both skills in management and the dynamics of corporate performance.