Gary A. Norcross has been at the helm of Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) since January 1, 2015, after serving in various key roles within the company for over two decades. With a background in finance, having earned his Bachelor...
Gary A. Norcross has been at the helm of Fidelity National Information Services (FIS) since January 1, 2015, after serving in various key roles within the company for over two decades. With a background in finance, having earned his Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of Florida, he knows the ins and outs of the industry. Under his leadership, FIS has grown significantly, yet he faced challenges along the way, particularly in 2020 when the pandemic affected the company's performance results. In 2022, as he stepped down as CEO and transitioned to Executive Chairman, a discretionary bonus showed a substantial payout reflecting management transitions and performance. Though highs and lows marked his tenure, including fluctuations in his equity holdings valued at up to $114 million in 2020, Norcross's pragmatic approach has been key in navigating FIS through tough waters. His journey reflects the balance of risk, reward, and the importance of understanding market dynamics, with a strong focus on maintaining shareholder value amid changes.