Glenn Fusfield served as the CEO of OneSpaWorld Holdings Limited from January 2019 until his retirement in March 2021. Before leading OneSpaWorld, he held various roles with Steiner Leisure, demonstrating a long history in the hospitality industry. Fusfield's career began...
Glenn Fusfield served as the CEO of OneSpaWorld Holdings Limited from January 2019 until his retirement in March 2021. Before leading OneSpaWorld, he held various roles with Steiner Leisure, demonstrating a long history in the hospitality industry. Fusfield's career began with Carnival Cruise Lines, where he was involved in hotel operations for over a decade. During his time as CEO, Fusfield focused on transitioning the company successfully and contributed to significant changes in its operations. He was appointed to the Board in 2019 and continued serving as a director after his retirement. Notably, he was awarded 166,667 performance stock units in 2020, but did not earn an annual bonus for 2021 due to his retirement. His compensation dropped from nearly $2.4 million in 2020 to under $290,000 in his final year, highlighting the transition from executive to retiring director. Interestingly, Fusfield has remained engaged with the company, continuing as a Class C Director until 2025, emphasizing that while he stepped down as CEO, he still plays a role in the company's governance.