Greg Peters, appointed Co-CEO of Netflix on January 13, 2023, brings a wealth of experience from his previous role as Chief Product Officer. He has been instrumental in shaping Netflix's strategy, especially in technology and global operations. Peters has a...
Greg Peters, appointed Co-CEO of Netflix on January 13, 2023, brings a wealth of experience from his previous role as Chief Product Officer. He has been instrumental in shaping Netflix's strategy, especially in technology and global operations. Peters has a strong focus on aligning company performance with leadership compensation, earning $20.2 million in 2023, with a significant portion of that coming from a performance-based bonus. He holds 13,090 shares of Netflix stock, reflecting a peak market value over $9 million projected for 2024, showing his commitment to the company’s future. His years at Netflix have seen him navigate the company through various industry changes, keeping it at the forefront of entertainment innovation. Peters holds a degree in Computer Science from UC Berkeley, which supports his tech-driven leadership style that is essential in this highly competitive industry.