Hikmet Ersek served as the President and CEO of Western Union from September 2010 until June 2022. During his time, he oversaw significant transformations in the company, navigating challenges such as the impact of COVID-19 on global finance. He joined...
Hikmet Ersek served as the President and CEO of Western Union from September 2010 until June 2022. During his time, he oversaw significant transformations in the company, navigating challenges such as the impact of COVID-19 on global finance. He joined Western Union in 1999 and continually climbed the ranks. Before becoming CEO, he held various leadership positions, including Executive Vice President for Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific. His career began at GE Capital, focusing on European payment systems. In 2021, after retiring, he continued to support the company as a Special Advisor, highlighting his deep commitment even beyond his primary role. Interestingly, he was eligible for special benefits due to his long tenure, including excise tax gross-up payments, a rare advantage for leaders in the company. His leadership style was centered on aligning executive compensation with performance, aiming to attract and retain top talent while emphasizing shareholder interests.