James E. Goodwin is currently the non-executive Chairman of Federal Signal Corporation and previously served as the interim CEO. His leadership journey includes a high-profile run as CEO of United Airlines from 1998 to 2001, where he oversaw crucial operations...
James E. Goodwin is currently the non-executive Chairman of Federal Signal Corporation and previously served as the interim CEO. His leadership journey includes a high-profile run as CEO of United Airlines from 1998 to 2001, where he oversaw crucial operations in a challenging industry. He joined Federal Signal’s Board in 2005, demonstrating his long-term commitment to the company. Notably, Goodwin has an impressive grasp of global operations and has navigated various market conditions. His expertise isn't limited to just one industry; he holds director positions in companies like AAR Corp and John Bean Technologies, showcasing his broad experience. In addition to his corporate roles, he has been involved with private equity advisory, further enriching his business acumen.