Jan B. Packwood served as the President and CEO of IDACORP from 1999 until 2006, a period marked by significant challenges and transitions for the company. Under his leadership, IDACORP navigated through the complexities of the Western energy crisis and...
Jan B. Packwood served as the President and CEO of IDACORP from 1999 until 2006, a period marked by significant challenges and transitions for the company. Under his leadership, IDACORP navigated through the complexities of the Western energy crisis and focused on transitioning the company from a trading environment back to a traditional utility model. Notably, during his tenure, Packwood demonstrated a commitment to performance metrics, with his compensation reflecting the company’s operational success. In 2006, his total compensation amounted to nearly $990,000, which included a performance-based bonus that showed how well the company was doing that year. He also had substantial stock holdings at one point, with 341,188 shares that significantly contributed to his wealth. Packwood retired in 2006, in alignment with IDACORP’s by-laws concerning age limits for board members, leaving behind a legacy of strong leadership in a transforming industry.