Jay L. Johnson served as the CEO of General Dynamics from 2003 until his retirement in 2012. During his time, he focused on strong leadership, navigating through a challenging defense market. His ability to align company goals with shareholder interests...
Jay L. Johnson served as the CEO of General Dynamics from 2003 until his retirement in 2012. During his time, he focused on strong leadership, navigating through a challenging defense market. His ability to align company goals with shareholder interests led to impressive growth, including overseeing six major acquisitions. In 2011, he earned $5.48 million, which included a hefty $3.6 million performance bonus, showing how well he managed the company even in tough times. Notably, in 2012 alone, his stock options yielded a remarkable value of nearly $28 million. Johnson also crafted a smooth transition for his successor, Phebe Novakovic, ensuring the company remained on solid ground. Thanks to his clear strategic vision, General Dynamics became a stronger player in the defense industry, setting it up for ongoing success. Post-retirement, he continued to contribute as a consultant, keeping a close tie to the business he had helped shape for almost a decade.