As of her retirement announcement, Jean R. Hale held approximately 223,623 shares of Community Trust Bancorp, accounting for about 1.4% of its total shares. Throughout her career, she consistently grew her holdings, reflecting both her commitment to the company and...
As of her retirement announcement, Jean R. Hale held approximately 223,623 shares of Community Trust Bancorp, accounting for about 1.4% of its total shares. Throughout her career, she consistently grew her holdings, reflecting both her commitment to the company and confidence in its performance. In recent years, her shares have become increasingly valuable, driven by the bank's focus on core financial growth metrics, such as return on average assets and earnings per share. Over the years, Jean's holdings fluctuated considerably, peaking several times during her time at the company, underscoring her significant value to CTBI. This dedication has not only contributed to her wealth but also aligned her interests with those of shareholders, making her a pivotal figure in CTBI's strategy over decades.