Jeffrey B. Guldner, age 57, is a notable figure in the energy sector, currently serving as the Chairman, President, and CEO of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation. Guldner's journey with the company began in 2004, where he has held various leadership...
Jeffrey B. Guldner, age 57, is a notable figure in the energy sector, currently serving as the Chairman, President, and CEO of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation. Guldner's journey with the company began in 2004, where he has held various leadership roles, including Executive Vice President for Public Policy and General Counsel. His extensive background includes a law degree from a reputable institution and practical experience in law firms, focused on public utility, telecommunications, and energy law. This expertise gives him rare insight into navigating the regulatory landscape in the energy industry. Since taking on his current role in 2021, he has driven initiatives that align with shareholder interests and prioritize sustainability in energy production. In terms of financial performance, Guldner’s compensation reached over $8.35 million in 2022, which was partly derived from vested stock and reflects the performance-driven pay structure he champions. An interesting point about Guldner is his significant involvement in insider trading, with recorded transactions peaking at $8.2 million in September 2024, indicating robust confidence in the company's future. His service as a surface warfare officer in the U.S. Navy adds to his diverse leadership profile, showcasing a blend of legal acumen and strategic decision-making ability.