Jeffrey W. Shaw served as the CEO of Southwest Gas Corporation from 2004 until his retirement in 2015. During his 26-year career at the company, he held various roles, showing steady growth through the ranks. His educational background includes a...
Jeffrey W. Shaw served as the CEO of Southwest Gas Corporation from 2004 until his retirement in 2015. During his 26-year career at the company, he held various roles, showing steady growth through the ranks. His educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, equipping him with skills in management. In 2014, he was also appointed President of the Company, showcasing his influence in company leadership. Notably, his tenure included overseeing significant mergers, including the acquisition of the Link-Line Group of Companies, which earned him a one-time cash bonus of $350,000 for his role in this success. Upon retiring, his total compensation in 2015 was around $570,702, a mix of salary and retirement benefits. Shaw’s leadership was characterized by performance metrics that included customer satisfaction and return on equity, reflecting a focus on results throughout his time. After stepping down, he continued to serve on the Board, indicating his ongoing commitment to the company’s future.