John H. Hammergren served as CEO of McKesson Corporation from 2001 until his retirement in 2019. Under his leadership, McKesson became one of the largest healthcare companies in the world, focusing on distributing pharmaceutical products and healthcare solutions. Before leading...
John H. Hammergren served as CEO of McKesson Corporation from 2001 until his retirement in 2019. Under his leadership, McKesson became one of the largest healthcare companies in the world, focusing on distributing pharmaceutical products and healthcare solutions. Before leading as CEO, Hammergren held various roles at McKesson, gaining extensive experience in the industry. One notable event was his transition to a Senior Advisor role after retiring, which allowed him to provide ongoing guidance to the company at a monthly fee of $75,000. Hammergren's compensation was significant during his tenure, peaking at nearly $55 million in certain years, reflecting his alignment with company performance metrics. His tenure included overseeing major acquisitions and expansions that solidified McKesson’s reputation within the healthcare sector. Additionally, he relinquished some rights under his severance agreement, showing a focus on the company's long-term success over individual gain. Now, he's recognized for helping shape McKesson into a leader in pharmaceutical distribution and technology solutions.