Jonathan W. Witter's holdings in SLM Corporation reflect his commitment to the company's future. He initially joined the company in 2020, when it was transitioning as a stand-alone entity. Over time, his personal stake has fluctuated with the company's performance...
Jonathan W. Witter's holdings in SLM Corporation reflect his commitment to the company's future. He initially joined the company in 2020, when it was transitioning as a stand-alone entity. Over time, his personal stake has fluctuated with the company's performance in the stock market. Currently, his wealth is significantly tied to the company's stock price, which continues to be a focus as he aims for sustained growth and shareholder value. Although he did not execute options in 2020 upon joining, as of 2023, Jonathan’s stock options total around 441,501 unexercised options at a premium price. This indicates his long-term belief in the company's strategic direction. Jonathan has also been receiving restricted stock units (RSUs), which are structured to encourage retention and alignment with shareholder interests.