JuE Wong served as the CEO of Olaplex Holdings, Inc., a company known for its innovative hair care products, from January 2019 until October 2023. Born in 1973, she boasts extensive experience in the business sector, although her educational background...
JuE Wong served as the CEO of Olaplex Holdings, Inc., a company known for its innovative hair care products, from January 2019 until October 2023. Born in 1973, she boasts extensive experience in the business sector, although her educational background isn't publicly detailed. During her tenure, she focused on maintaining the company's growth and aligning its goals with market benchmarks. In 2022, she earned a total compensation of approximately $1.3 million, which included a base salary of $1 million and a discretionary bonus of $325,000. Notably, although her performance bonuses were tied to the company's annual goals, a discretionary pool was established when the company did not meet its performance targets. Her leadership was pivotal during a time when the company prepared to expand its market reach and product offerings. JuE was also an active player in ensuring that the company adhered to strict guidelines regarding insider trading and hedging policies. Overall, she played a significant role in shaping Olaplex's future and setting the foundation for its current trajectory.