Masoud Toloue serves as the CEO of Quanterix Corporation, a company focused on advancements in diagnostics and biomarker detection. Born on December 1, 1980, Dr. Toloue has extensive expertise in the business of diagnostics, stemming from his past roles in...
Masoud Toloue serves as the CEO of Quanterix Corporation, a company focused on advancements in diagnostics and biomarker detection. Born on December 1, 1980, Dr. Toloue has extensive expertise in the business of diagnostics, stemming from his past roles in leading positions at PerkinElmer. Before taking the reins at Quanterix in April 2022, he was instrumental in growing PerkinElmer's Diagnostics segment. An interesting note is that he has been with Quanterix since June 2021, when he started as President, rapidly ascending to CEO. In 2023, his total compensation reached approximately $1.42 million, which includes a significant bonus reflecting the company's performance. His leadership is marked by strategic decisions aimed at restructuring and improving Quanterix's operations, particularly during challenging times. Toloue’s focus remains on reshaping the company to accelerate growth and innovation in diagnostics, making a genuine impact in the healthcare sector. Under his guidance, Quanterix aims to lead in providing better diagnostic solutions for diseases like Alzheimer’s.