Michael A. Bless served as the President and CEO of Century Aluminum from 2012 until 2021, after joining the company as Chief Financial Officer in 2006. He led the company through challenging times and was known for focusing on operational...
Michael A. Bless served as the President and CEO of Century Aluminum from 2012 until 2021, after joining the company as Chief Financial Officer in 2006. He led the company through challenging times and was known for focusing on operational efficiency and safety. During his tenure, he transitioned the company towards better financial performance metrics, particularly emphasizing EBITDA and safety improvement goals. Although his compensation was significantly lower in his final year, with a total package of approximately $4.2 million, this was a stark contrast to previous years where he earned up to $5.3 million in 2016. He oversaw a period of limited stock awards during his last years, emphasizing cash compensation instead. After retiring, he remained a special advisor for the company until March 2022, suggesting a commitment to ensure a smooth transition for his successor. His background includes experience in various executive roles, including at Rockwell Automation, which highlights his deep understanding of industry dynamics. Overall, his leadership reflected a pragmatic approach, focusing on aligning company goals with shareholder interests.