Michael A. Witynski served as CEO of Dollar Tree from July 2020 to January 2023, stepping into the role after a significant retail career. Before becoming CEO, he held various leadership positions at Dollar Tree, focusing on store operations and...
Michael A. Witynski served as CEO of Dollar Tree from July 2020 to January 2023, stepping into the role after a significant retail career. Before becoming CEO, he held various leadership positions at Dollar Tree, focusing on store operations and merchandising. He was promoted from President and had over 29 years of experience in the grocery industry, working with companies like Shaw's and Supervalu. Under his leadership, Dollar Tree faced challenges but also saw changes in its approach to performance metrics. His compensation during 2023 included a base salary of $1.35 million and a bonus of $1.94 million, emphasizing performance alignment with shareholder interests. One of the notable aspects of his time was overseeing the company's transition and planning during a crucial period in retail, particularly during the pandemic. Witynski’s leadership style leaned towards performance-based strategies, as he pushed for operational improvements and adjusted performance targets to maintain competitiveness. His tenure ended as part of a broader leadership change, seeking new directions for the company.