Michael F. Hilton served as the CEO of Nordson Corporation from 2010 until his retirement in December 2019. With a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois, he brought a strong engineering background to his role. Under...
Michael F. Hilton served as the CEO of Nordson Corporation from 2010 until his retirement in December 2019. With a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois, he brought a strong engineering background to his role. Under his leadership, Nordson grew significantly, focusing on innovation in the manufacturing sector. In 2019, Hilton garnered a total compensation of over $7 million, with a performance-based bonus highlighting the company’s robust earnings growth during that period. Notably, he earned performance share units and stock options, illustrating a commitment to aligning his interests with shareholders. His tenure was marked by an emphasis on financial metrics, such as earnings per share and return on capital, which were key to his bonus calculations. Interestingly, Hilton had a noteworthy increase in insider trading activity, showing a rise in his holdings from approximately $39 million to over $66 million within a span of two years. His career reflects a strategic approach to leadership, consistently focusing on results and performance, ultimately leading to a prosperous time for Nordson as he exited the scene.