Michael Levitz serves as the CEO of Insulet Corporation, known for its innovative medical devices. With a Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics from the University of California Santa Barbara, he has built a solid career in finance. Before stepping...
Michael Levitz serves as the CEO of Insulet Corporation, known for its innovative medical devices. With a Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics from the University of California Santa Barbara, he has built a solid career in finance. Before stepping into the CEO role, he held senior financial positions at companies like Analogic Corporation and Hologic, giving him valuable experience in the medical field. He joined Insulet in 2015 and became CFO in 2020, showcasing his strong management skills during his tenure. Notably, in 2023, he earned a total compensation of over $12 million, which illustrates his pivotal role in driving the company's performance. Levitz also has a history of substantial stock holdings, peaking at approximately $18 million in value in early 2023, reflecting his confidence in the company’s future and alignment with shareholder interests. Under his leadership, Insulet has focused on performance metrics like revenue growth and meaty financial goals, marking a significant chapter in the evolution of diabetes care.