Michael McGaugh took the reins as CEO of Myers Industries, Inc. on April 6, 2020, during a challenging time marked by a global pandemic. He previously served as Executive Vice President at BMC Stock Holdings, where he honed his skills...
Michael McGaugh took the reins as CEO of Myers Industries, Inc. on April 6, 2020, during a challenging time marked by a global pandemic. He previously served as Executive Vice President at BMC Stock Holdings, where he honed his skills in a fast-paced business environment. Before that, he spent nearly 25 years at Dow Chemical, climbing the ranks and gaining experience in areas like building solutions and innovation. Since joining Myers, McGaugh has pushed for growth by integrating various company divisions under a unified strategy called 'One Myers.' This move aims to create a more cohesive company that can deliver multiple solutions to its clients. His leadership has shown promising results, including significant sales growth and successful acquisitions. Interestingly, in 2022, he received total compensation of $392,778 after claiming a bonus based on exceeding performance targets, a sign of his commitment to aligning his success with the company’s. McGaugh’s journey reflects a focus on strategic growth and operational efficiency, essential elements for leading a company in today’s dynamic market.