Peter D. Hancock served as the CEO of American International Group, Inc. (AIG) from 2014 to 2017. Before becoming CEO, he led AIG's global property casualty business, showcasing his extensive background in finance. Under his leadership, Hancock focused on improving...
Peter D. Hancock served as the CEO of American International Group, Inc. (AIG) from 2014 to 2017. Before becoming CEO, he led AIG's global property casualty business, showcasing his extensive background in finance. Under his leadership, Hancock focused on improving executive pay to better align with company performance, which was a significant shift for a company of AIG's scale. His compensation varied greatly, peaking in 2017 at $15.1 million, largely due to a severance package. Hancock owned approximately 113,511 shares in AIG, participating actively in strategic changes aimed at de-risking the company during tough times, while avoiding any major controversies during his tenure. Notably, when he left the CEO role in 2017, AIG transitioned to new leadership smoothly, which reflects his ability to manage change effectively. His academic background includes a Bachelor's degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and he is known for his straightforward approach to leadership amid a continually evolving corporate landscape.