Philip Horlock has led Blue Bird Corporation, an American manufacturer known for its school buses, during a challenging time. After studying Business Administration, he took on the role of CEO at Blue Bird, where he focused on navigating the tough...
Philip Horlock has led Blue Bird Corporation, an American manufacturer known for its school buses, during a challenging time. After studying Business Administration, he took on the role of CEO at Blue Bird, where he focused on navigating the tough landscape of the bus manufacturing industry. His leadership saw the company through significant supply chain disruptions, which impacted performance targets for executive bonuses. In 2021, he earned a total compensation of about $3.6 million, including a salary of $720,000 and substantial stock awards due to his position. Though he stepped down in October 2021, his impact remains visible. Horlock's tenure marked a transition for Blue Bird, with a keen focus on aligning the company's goals with performance metrics like Adjusted EBITDA and Free Cash Flow. Interesting to note, he was with the company during a transformative period, including a key merger that defined its direction. His experience stretches beyond Blue Bird, including different roles in the manufacturing sector, enhancing his unique perspective on business success and challenges.