Roger S. Penske is the CEO of Penske Automotive Group, a major player in the automotive industry. With a career spanning over a decade at PAG, he focuses on management and guiding the company through various market challenges. Born on...
Roger S. Penske is the CEO of Penske Automotive Group, a major player in the automotive industry. With a career spanning over a decade at PAG, he focuses on management and guiding the company through various market challenges. Born on August 20, 1937, Roger's experience is drawn from a hands-on approach as he leads with a focus on long-term performance and aligning company goals with shareholder interests. In 2021, he earned a total compensation of approximately $6.98 million, which primarily came from vested stock grants aimed at rewarding long-term value creation. Under his leadership, the company has been committed to customer satisfaction, with performance metrics tied to various operational factors like earnings per share and customer service scores. Notably, he took no cash bonus in recent years but instead received restricted stock as part of the performance incentive plan, which reflects a focus on the company’s future success and a belief in the business. Additionally, Roger holds a significant stake in the company, with marketable securities worth over $40 million. His strategic vision and accountability to shareholders have driven PAG's continued growth and expansion in the automotive market.