Sean D. Keohane maintains a significant stake in Cabot Corporation, which showcases his commitment to the company. Over the years, there have been fluctuations in his holdings, but a notable peak came in 2019, when his wealth was substantially tied...
Sean D. Keohane maintains a significant stake in Cabot Corporation, which showcases his commitment to the company. Over the years, there have been fluctuations in his holdings, but a notable peak came in 2019, when his wealth was substantially tied to his stock holdings, valued at approximately $2.09 million. However, as of 2023, the nature of his compensation structure means he has no vested stock, relying instead on performance-based bonuses tied to corporate achievements. This indicates his focus on immediate company results rather than long-term stock performance, which is interesting as it suggests he prioritizes the company’s operational success over short-term gains. Sean's active participation in the company helps ensure his financial interests closely align with that of Cabot’s shareholders, providing confidence in his leadership.