Truman Hunt served as the CEO of Nu Skin Enterprises, a company known for its health and beauty products, from 2003 until 2017. He has a solid educational background with both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Accounting from Brigham Young...
Truman Hunt served as the CEO of Nu Skin Enterprises, a company known for its health and beauty products, from 2003 until 2017. He has a solid educational background with both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Accounting from Brigham Young University, which gave him the expertise to navigate the finance-heavy industry of direct selling. Interestingly, he stepped down from his role to take a leadership position with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for three years. During his time at Nu Skin, he was eligible for performance-based bonuses and stock options that linked his compensation directly to the company's success. For instance, in 2016, he earned a total compensation of over $10 million, mainly composed of performance-based stock options. His insider trading data shows significant fluctuations in his holdings, peaking around $32 million in early 2021 before tapering off to about $11 million by late 2023. Though his compensation varied significantly over the years, his focus on aligning executive pay with company performance highlights a strategic approach to leadership.