A.G. Lafley is a notable figure in the world of consumer goods, primarily known for his long-standing leadership at Procter & Gamble (P&G). First becoming CEO in 2000, he played a crucial role in transforming P&G into the largest consumer...
A.G. Lafley is a notable figure in the world of consumer goods, primarily known for his long-standing leadership at Procter & Gamble (P&G). First becoming CEO in 2000, he played a crucial role in transforming P&G into the largest consumer product company globally through strategic decisions like the acquisition of Gillette. This major move not only expanded the company's reach, but also earned Lafley a $3.5 million special equity award, highlighting his effective leadership. His vision allowed P&G to grow its sales from $39 billion to nearly $70 billion during his tenure. Lafley stepped down as CEO in 2015 but continued to influence P&G as Executive Chairman until 2016. Holding over half a million shares of P&G stock, valued at tens of millions, Lafley's direct investment reflects serious confidence in the company’s future. His annual compensation has often exceeded $10 million, closely tied to P&G's performance metrics, empowering him to shape the company in ways that benefit shareholders and maintain growth. With a strong academic background in economics and an MBA from Harvard, Lafley combines solid business acumen with practical experience gained over decades at P&G. His journey from a new employee in 1977 to a recognized leader illustrates the potential for career growth through dedication and vision in a corporate setting.