James Quincey has been the CEO of The Coca-Cola Company since May 1, 2017, after a solid career with the company that began in 1996. His journey through Coca-Cola's ranks includes experience in various regions, notably as President of the...
James Quincey has been the CEO of The Coca-Cola Company since May 1, 2017, after a solid career with the company that began in 1996. His journey through Coca-Cola's ranks includes experience in various regions, notably as President of the Europe Group and President of the Mexico Division. Under his leadership, Coca-Cola focuses on evolving into a total beverage company, aiming to expand its portfolio beyond traditional soft drinks. Quincey's approach emphasizes performance and accountability, as shown by the pay-for-performance structure in his compensation, which totaled nearly $24.7 million in 2023. He did not take cash bonuses, sticking to Coca-Cola’s clear goal of long-term growth instead. Quincey has a significant stake in the company, directly owning over 689,000 shares worth more than $41 million. This connection to his work means he has a strong personal interest in Coca-Cola's performance. Notably, Quincey allowed company aircraft for personal use, signifying the privileges that come with leading one of the world’s most recognized brands. His strategic vision revolves around sustainable growth and adapting to changing consumer preferences, which is essential for a company like Coca-Cola that operates in over 200 countries.