As of his retirement, A. William Higgins held approximately 37,686 shares of Albany International's Class A Common Stock. His stock ownership peaked at various moments during his tenure, reflecting the importance of aligning executive wealth with company performance. Notably, the...
As of his retirement, A. William Higgins held approximately 37,686 shares of Albany International's Class A Common Stock. His stock ownership peaked at various moments during his tenure, reflecting the importance of aligning executive wealth with company performance. Notably, the largest portion of his wealth came from vested stock awards, which totaled $2.4 million in 2023 after he retired. Over the years, Higgins' stake in Albany International showed fluctuations that mirrored the company's performance, demonstrating a clear link between leadership decisions and shareholder value. Despite his departure, the shares he accumulated reflect his significant investment in the company’s mission and future, marking a phase of transition for both Higgins and Albany International.