Throughout his tenure at IDEX Corporation, Andrew K. Silvernail's stock holdings showed notable fluctuations. In December 2019, his holdings reached approximately $38 million at their peak. However, after his separation from the company in December 2020, much of this wealth...
Throughout his tenure at IDEX Corporation, Andrew K. Silvernail's stock holdings showed notable fluctuations. In December 2019, his holdings reached approximately $38 million at their peak. However, after his separation from the company in December 2020, much of this wealth was affected by significant forfeitures of unvested equity awards. His stock values varied over time, peaking monthly between September 2019 and August 2020, often above $35 million. However, after leaving IDEX, the values sharply declined, showcasing the risks executives take when their wealth is largely tied to performance. By early 2024, his reported holdings are around $10 million, indicating a significant drop, yet reflecting prior successes in driving the company's performance.