B. Scott Smith has experienced fluctuations in his personal holdings over time, notably during his tenure as CEO of Sonic Automotive. At one point, he held over 92,000 performance-based restricted stock units (RSUs), showcasing a significant portion of his wealth...
B. Scott Smith has experienced fluctuations in his personal holdings over time, notably during his tenure as CEO of Sonic Automotive. At one point, he held over 92,000 performance-based restricted stock units (RSUs), showcasing a significant portion of his wealth tied to the company's performance. His smart approach to stock ownership reflects his strong belief in Sonic's growth potential. After resigning in 2018, he shifted focus, and his holdings are now considerably lower than during his peak CEO years, illustrating the usual changes in stock value and personal investment strategies following executive transitions. Throughout his career, Smith has carefully aligned his financial interests with the success of Sonic, further solidifying his reputation as a committed leader.