Throughout his time at Kraft Heinz, Bernardo Hees had varying levels of wealth tied up in company stock. Upon his exit, his holdings advanced significantly, peaking at over $11 million in early 2021 before settling down to approximately $6 million...
Throughout his time at Kraft Heinz, Bernardo Hees had varying levels of wealth tied up in company stock. Upon his exit, his holdings advanced significantly, peaking at over $11 million in early 2021 before settling down to approximately $6 million by late 2023. This fluctuation shows Hees’ commitment to maintaining a stake in the company, reflective of both confidence and strategic planning. His transactions revealed a fluctuating approach to insider trading during and after his tenure, with many months showcasing high figures that reached almost $11 million in single months. This insight into his financial strategies points to a keen understanding of market timing and corporate governance, especially in tough economic climates.