Brian Concannon served as the President and CEO of Haemonetics Corporation from April 2009 until September 2015. With a robust background in healthcare, he joined Haemonetics in 2003 and quickly climbed the ranks through various leadership roles. Concannon took over...
Brian Concannon served as the President and CEO of Haemonetics Corporation from April 2009 until September 2015. With a robust background in healthcare, he joined Haemonetics in 2003 and quickly climbed the ranks through various leadership roles. Concannon took over as CEO after a clear succession plan and succeeded the former CEO Brad Nutter. His leadership style focused on aligning company goals with performance metrics, demonstrating a consistent pay-for-performance approach in executive compensation. Intriguingly, during his tenure, the company increased Concannon's bonus target to 125% of his base salary. This move reflects the bold strategies he implemented aimed at driving Haemonetics' growth. Under his guidance, the company's compensation philosophy aimed to attract and retain top talent, while also keeping the long-term interests of shareholders in mind. An interesting point is that after resigning, Concannon had a transition period that involved a substantial severance package and benefits to support him in his next steps. His career prior to Haemonetics spanned nearly two decades with major players in the healthcare industry, like Baxter Healthcare. His wealth of experience laid a strong foundation for his decision-making and strategic vision for Haemonetics.