Eric Mendelsohn, as of 2023, holds approximately 379,586 shares of National Health Investors (NHI). This positions him as a significant stakeholder, reflecting his strong personal investment in the company. His holdings became notably substantial as he joined the executive team...
Eric Mendelsohn, as of 2023, holds approximately 379,586 shares of National Health Investors (NHI). This positions him as a significant stakeholder, reflecting his strong personal investment in the company. His holdings became notably substantial as he joined the executive team in early 2015, and he has continued to increase his ownership through stock incentives. While he faced ups and downs like many in the industry, Mendelsohn's commitment to NHI is clear in the way his financial portfolio aligns with the company’s long-term objectives. His largest wealth leap came when he was granted stock options in previous years, which tied directly to NHI’s performance and growth. However, in the face of challenges, including the pandemic, Mendelsohn maintained a substantial investment in the company to emphasize his confidence in its recovery and ongoing strategy.