Dana L. Perry served as the CEO of AZZ Inc. from October 2013 until his retirement in May 2014. He stepped into this crucial role as interim CEO following the unexpected passing of his predecessor, David H. Dingus, who died...
Dana L. Perry served as the CEO of AZZ Inc. from October 2013 until his retirement in May 2014. He stepped into this crucial role as interim CEO following the unexpected passing of his predecessor, David H. Dingus, who died from pancreatic cancer. Before this, Dana had built a solid foundation in finance, serving as the Senior Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer at AZZ. His leadership during a transitional phase showed his ability to step up when it mattered. During his last working year at AZZ, Dana received a base salary of $340,000, plus additional benefits that brought his total compensation to about $803,553. What's notable is that he had no bonuses or stock options in his final year, reflecting his retirement status. Dana’s tenure at AZZ is marked by navigating the company through a period of unexpected changes, demonstrating resilience in the face of leadership challenges. Beyond his numbers at AZZ, Dana Perry embodies the quiet strength one needs to lead effectively in difficult times.