During his tenure, David A. Broecker held substantial stock options in Alkermes, particularly as part of his compensation package. In 2009, his total compensation included $393,750 in options that vested upon his departure, which forced him to cash out on...
During his tenure, David A. Broecker held substantial stock options in Alkermes, particularly as part of his compensation package. In 2009, his total compensation included $393,750 in options that vested upon his departure, which forced him to cash out on those due to his high-profile resignation. At one point, his vested stock grew to include major equity awards, reflecting his commitment to the company. This financial stake mirrored his role in promoting Alkermes while he was at the helm. However, he faced challenges that would lead to his early exit, notably when he could no longer align with the company's strategic direction post-2008. His holdings shifted dramatically as he transitioned out, indicating a significant part of his wealth was tied to the performance and management of Alkermes. Overall, Broecker's financial journey with the company serves as an insight into the risks and rewards of leadership in the ever-volatile pharmaceutical sector.