Dean A. Foate has been a notable shareholder in Plexus Corp during his time as CEO. His wealth fluctuated significantly as he held a considerable amount of stock in the company, peaking during his tenure. At one point, he owned...
Dean A. Foate has been a notable shareholder in Plexus Corp during his time as CEO. His wealth fluctuated significantly as he held a considerable amount of stock in the company, peaking during his tenure. At one point, he owned 375,221 shares, which represented 1.2% of the company. His stock ownership showed his confidence in the company's future and aligned his interests with shareholders. The value of his stock holdings saw various peaks and troughs reflecting the company's performance. After retiring in 2016, Foate's stake in the company was diminished, but he maintained a presence in Plexus by taking on the role of Executive Chairman, further showing his ongoing commitment. The stock grants Foate received over the years also contributed to building his wealth, but his focus remained on enhancing shareholder value through sustainable growth.