Don Jackson served as the CEO of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation during a critical time in the company’s history. He was appointed when the company was emerging from bankruptcy in December 2008, a challenging situation that required strong leadership. Jackson brought...
Don Jackson served as the CEO of Pilgrim's Pride Corporation during a critical time in the company’s history. He was appointed when the company was emerging from bankruptcy in December 2008, a challenging situation that required strong leadership. Jackson brought a significant level of experience to the role, leveraging his business background to navigate the company's transition. Under his leadership, he faced performance metrics tied to the company’s financial goals, earning notable bonuses despite missing some targets. In 2009, he was awarded a substantial reorganization bonus after achieving key operational improvements. What’s interesting about Jackson is how he managed to secure a large equity stake in the company, receiving over 3 million shares of restricted stock soon after his appointment. His tenure lasted until January 2011, after which he moved on to lead JBS USA, maintaining a connection to the Pilgrim's Pride Board. While at Pilgrim’s Pride, he experienced fluctuations in his stock holdings, peaking at a value of over $85 million before tapering off. Jackson's leadership not only aimed to restore the company from bankruptcy but also to align golden financial targets with the competitive landscape.