Douglas C. Bryant served as the CEO of QuidelOrtho Corporation, a prominent player in the diagnostic healthcare sector, from late 2022 until early 2024. He brought over 25 years of experience specifically in diagnostics and healthcare, having previously led various...
Douglas C. Bryant served as the CEO of QuidelOrtho Corporation, a prominent player in the diagnostic healthcare sector, from late 2022 until early 2024. He brought over 25 years of experience specifically in diagnostics and healthcare, having previously led various global operations at Abbott Laboratories, where he was known for his strategic oversight. Bryant took the reins at QuidelOrtho during a significant business transition, impacting company operations and growth strategies. Under his leadership, he aimed to align company values with stockholder interests and focused on meeting key financial performance metrics. In 2023, his overall compensation reached roughly $6.76 million, showing how performance-driven his role was, despite not earning a bonus that year due to unmet financial targets. Interestingly, Bryan had substantial equity awards within the company, indicating a strong belief in its future success. His diverse background made him a suitable leader, but his sudden termination after just over a year highlights the unpredictable nature of executive roles.