Ethan Brown's significant holdings at Beyond Meat witnessed notable fluctuations over the years. In 2019, his holdings peaked at approximately $803 million, which dropped by the end of 2019 to around $229 million, showing a loss of interest during that...
Ethan Brown's significant holdings at Beyond Meat witnessed notable fluctuations over the years. In 2019, his holdings peaked at approximately $803 million, which dropped by the end of 2019 to around $229 million, showing a loss of interest during that volatile market phase. He managed to grow his stake again, reaching $278 million in October 2020, but by the end of 2022, his estimated holdings were around $19 million, highlighting a drastic reduction in wealth concentration within the stock as the company faced challenges. Notably, in the past few years, as the company's performance fluctuated, so did his personal stake, illustrating the risks associated with being so closely tied to the company you run.