Evan G. Greenberg's financial journey is captivating. His holdings in Chubb Limited peaked at about $211.35 million in September 2019, showcasing his deep trust in the company. Following a dynamic period of fluctuations, his wealth in holdings mildly dipped to...
Evan G. Greenberg's financial journey is captivating. His holdings in Chubb Limited peaked at about $211.35 million in September 2019, showcasing his deep trust in the company. Following a dynamic period of fluctuations, his wealth in holdings mildly dipped to around $144 million by September 2020 but has since grown, indicating a recovery. As of late 2023, his wealth from holdings remained robust, hovering around $150 million, showing long-term stability in his significant investment in Chubb. This speaks volumes about his confidence in Chubb’s strategic direction and resilience in the ever-changing insurance landscape.