Gideon Argov is the former President and CEO of Entegris, a company focused on materials used in manufacturing. He led Entegris during a crucial period from 2012 until his departure in late November 2012. His compensation was substantial, with a...
Gideon Argov is the former President and CEO of Entegris, a company focused on materials used in manufacturing. He led Entegris during a crucial period from 2012 until his departure in late November 2012. His compensation was substantial, with a total package reaching approximately $4.7 million in 2012, including a significant salary and equity awards. In 2019, Gideon made headlines with insider trading, observing a steady increase in his holdings, peaking at $106.9 million in November 2021. This was a notable rise from $33.95 million just two years earlier. His wealth in company stock fluctuated significantly but indicated a steady belief in the firm’s potential. Interestingly, during his career, he was heavily invested in Entegris' stock options and restricted shares, underlining his commitment and alignment with shareholders' interests. As a business professional, Argov understood the dynamics of high-stakes corporate strategies while balancing risk and reward in the tech-driven market.