During her time at TPG RE Finance Trust, Greta Guggenheim held significant equity stakes in the company. Throughout her years as CEO, her holdings varied, reflecting the performance of the company. Particularly noteworthy is the year 2019, where her vested...
During her time at TPG RE Finance Trust, Greta Guggenheim held significant equity stakes in the company. Throughout her years as CEO, her holdings varied, reflecting the performance of the company. Particularly noteworthy is the year 2019, where her vested stock awards totaled $4.3 million. However, prior to her retirement, she had a period where her wealth in real estate investment was notably high, marked by substantial unvested stock valued around $6.5 million at the end of 2019. By the time she stepped down at the end of Q1 2021, the landscape of her holdings illustrates the delicate balance of risk and reward that comes with intensive involvement in the stock market and real estate.