As CEO, J. Erik Fyrwald has been involved with various companies, with a significant focus on his holdings in IFF. His previous position at Ecolab showcased peaks and valleys in wealth tied to performance, exemplified by his $8.4 million earnings...
As CEO, J. Erik Fyrwald has been involved with various companies, with a significant focus on his holdings in IFF. His previous position at Ecolab showcased peaks and valleys in wealth tied to performance, exemplified by his $8.4 million earnings in 2021 when performance metrics were met, which dropped to $1.07 million in 2022 due to performance failures. This fluctuation highlights his risk exposure in corporate ownership and the realities of tying compensation to success in leading large firms. Currently, at IFF, he's positioned to drive growth in an industry crucial for food and fragrance production, further showcasing his influence over significant equity holdings in his role.