Throughout his time as CEO, J. LaMont Keen held significant shares in IDACORP, showcasing his commitment to the company. After retiring, his wealth tied to IDACORP stock experienced fluctuations especially due to market trends and company performance. In 2013, his...
Throughout his time as CEO, J. LaMont Keen held significant shares in IDACORP, showcasing his commitment to the company. After retiring, his wealth tied to IDACORP stock experienced fluctuations especially due to market trends and company performance. In 2013, his compensation peaked at approximately $2.28 million, which included his salary, vested stock, and other benefits. While at IDACORP, it was noted that a substantial portion of his wealth was invested in the company's stock, signaling his confidence in the firm. However, post-retirement, those holdings reflect the changing market conditions, showing how essential it is for executives to manage investments wisely during and after their tenure. Keen's financial story underlines how connection to company performance can significantly affect personal wealth for CEOs.