John Rutherfurd, Jr. had a substantial ownership in Moody's Corporation, holding over 600,000 shares at one time. His wealth was deeply tied to the company's performance. In 2003, his stock ownership and earnings reached impressive heights, influenced by his strategic...
John Rutherfurd, Jr. had a substantial ownership in Moody's Corporation, holding over 600,000 shares at one time. His wealth was deeply tied to the company's performance. In 2003, his stock ownership and earnings reached impressive heights, influenced by his strategic leadership. The most notable was in 2004 when he received 112,500 shares valued at over $740,000, fully vesting within the year. His financial interest in the company increased as he also exercised options worth significant amounts, with realizable gains nearing $15 million by the end of 2003. This showed that his personal financial success was closely linked to the company's overall growth and profitability. Even after retirement, Rutherfurd's stock values were a testament to his successful leadership era, maintaining a strong foothold in Moody's stock performance until he departed.